Brambati Tailor-made technology, led by innovation
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Letter for all Customers

Codevilla, 12/03/2020
Dear Customer,
We wish to inform you that BRAMBATI SPA is fully operational and functioning and therefore the usual response times to requests are confirmed and that all deliveries will be regularly respected.
BRAMBATI SPA is, moreover, adopting and reinforcing all the necessary measures to face the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, in compliance with the directives issued by the competent authorities and aimed at containing the spread of the virus.

We would also like to inform you that, to date, none of our employees is affected by the virus nor is subject to restrictive individual health measures.

For our personnel, we have taken the precautions prescribed by the competent authorities, in coordination with the factory doctor and our RSPP, in order to protect their health in the best possible way in the performance of their activities:

- The Company has taken steps to disseminate the Ministry of Health information to all employees, updating them constantly.
- Employees have been informed of the procedure to be adopted if they suspect that they are infected or have come into contact, even indirectly, with people at risk.
- Employees suffering from flu symptoms (colds, coughs, fever) have been invited to stay at home, contact their attending physician and/or the toll-free numbers for their region of residence, strictly following the instructions received.
- Office employees in special situations, not falling within the above conditions, were given the opportunity to work remotely (smart-working).
- The health and hygiene standards already applied previously have been implemented.
- It was strongly recommended to our employees to limit, as far as possible, exposure to possible related risks (places with a high concentration of people).

Our sales network is active and to minimize physical contacts we also operate through digital mobility means including Skype/Teams platforms to facilitate business meetings that would require the involvement of more people.

The technical interventions are active where possible the presence of our staff, for all other areas all technical support will be guaranteed through remote tools and technologies.

We remind you that the remote technical support service (Customer Care Service) is active at, via portal at and via telephone by calling 800 194 971 (toll-free number) for calls from Italy.
+39 0383 1925009 for calls from abroad

We would also like to inform you that, at present, there are no impediments that could jeopardize normal business operations.
For any further information or clarification, the switchboard +39 0383 373100 is operational and can also communicate the contacts of the contacts of the various company sectors.
Hoping that the situation can be resolved as soon as possible, confident of everyone's understanding, we send you our best regards

The President
Dr. Fabrizio Brambati